Transit Realism:
I feel very strongly that we need a “realistic” plan for transit and it
is the largest issue facing us now. The current plan, which by the
way the incumbent voted for, does not include anything for the
Osgoode Ward even in the year 2031! What I cannot understand
is why the incumbent would vote for plans such as this that have
no vision for our area. How is this representing us? I feel that
there has been a lot of “pie in the sky” dreaming by the City on this
matter, without proper costing out done. A thorough cost/benefit
analysis of the project does not seem to exist. There should also
be concern expressed with regard to tunneling near major fault
lines and the huge cost over-runs that will likely occur if this
project takes place. Furthermore, the disruptions that will occur in
the City during construction will be a nightmare.
We should simply do the following: extend the existing O-Train
train tracks, getting VIA approvals and utilizing existing rights of
ways to rural areas.¹ This could be done with a realistic “pay as
you go” approach. Moreover, the transit plan as it is currently
proposed is not only far too expensive, it is backwards. The
concept should be to use rail to efficiently move people from rural
areas into the city. The problem the city “thinks” is solved by light
rail would be greatly reduced by taking the large number of cars
traveling from rural areas off the road. Existing rapid transit bus
routes in the city should now be enhanced to meet the concept of
a proper rapid transit system. Without any regards to logic or the
taxpayers the current City council came up with a plan that Must
Be Stopped !