Dump Carlsbad Springs Dump

It was from an Ottawa Sum newspaper article, well over a year ago, that I first heard about the Carlsbad Springs Dump Site (Dump-this-dump-2-Carlsbad-Springs-landfill) However, in so many ways, the article did not provide proper background information or properly emphasize the seriousness of the issue.

Therefore, it was not until I heard a presentation at the Osgoode Community Assoc. Annual General Meeting by Sue Langlois of the group Dump this Dump 2, that I started to become concerned. From the information she provided it became very clear that the proposed project is not needed, is in a high-risk location, and is being forced upon the community. Moreover, the dump is being built for the sole benefit of a private company, (Taggart – Miller), with obvious environmental impacts (CRCCPE-AGM)

Finally in August, I received even more information from CRCCPE. (Taggart-Miller Proposed Boundary Road CRRRC Landfill Project – Fact Sheet August 2014) What then became very clear to me, was that we must do something to help our fellow residents along Boundary Road fight the Carlsbad Springs Dump. In my opinion, the concerns these citizens have are very real. Unfortunately, many people are not aware that there is connectivity of all our lands through the water table. Indeed, activities in one area can adversely affect properties seemingly far away.

Our neighbours in such areas as Edwards and Vars understandably have fears regarding the negative effects the dump could have on their water quality and the surrounding environment. Furthermore, there are numerous compelling aspects with regard to the selected site such as soil conditions, high water table, and even documented seismic risk in the area that make for a very strong argument against the project. This is why the CRCCPE created a petition to the Premier of Ontario and the Ontario Minister of the Environment, Jim Bradley. (PetitiontoProvince)

Unfortunately, in my opinion, although the CRCCPE has done an excellent job in lobbying and providing information, it is very apparent to me that in several respects their efforts should also be focused in a different direction! In actual fact, the City has much more control over the issue that they want to reveal. The proposed site of the Carlsbad Springs Dump is currently zoned “Rural” and would require major rezoning from the City of Ottawa in order to proceed. However, it is my very great fear that Mayor Watson and Council are merely “placating” the Dump this Dump 2 group by providing them with more funding (money-to-dump-this-dump-organization)

Ottawa City Council recently did the very same thing with regard to the expansion of the Carp Landfill. The City gave citizen groups opposed to the site money, then quickly and quietly approved the project. The City “meekly” explained the approval away by saying that they “would have lost to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) anyways” (Carp-Landfill-expansion-zoning)

Clearly, city staff, Council and the Mayor, are being disingenuous with the citizens of these areas. It is an unfortunate fact that some of the councillors have received funding from the groups involved. As an example, Taggart Construction was a large contributor to the Doug Thompson election campaign in 2010. Therefore, the City may have an obvious “conflict of interest” in their dealings with these projects.

In my opinion, this is unacceptable and negligent of the city and Council’s direct responsibility to their citizens. We cannot let Council weakly “bow” to the Province once again. This is why I have put together a Petition to the City of Ottawa Council to “reject” the Carlsbad Springs Dump project. They must maintain the “Rural” zoning classification of this site. Moreover, they must stand up for the citizens of Ottawa against the OMB, even legally if necessary, and move to help create legislative protection for the future environmental integrity of this area!

Therefore, to help our neighbours near the site of the Carlsbad Springs Dump project, please sign my Petition for this issue. Win or lose in this election, it has become very important to me and our neighbours in this area, to present this Petition to the new Council in the coming months.

Thanking you in advance for your consideration and time!

Yours truly,

Bob Masaro

Candidate for Osgoode Ward 20

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