2014 Election Platform
The list below is a reminder of what my [Bob Masaro] platform was in 2014 which included many goals that I wanted to accomplish during 2014-2018 Term in office
City Concerns:
- Stop wasting Taxpayers money, be fiscally responsible
- Work “within” Budgets, freeze taxes, stop adding to the debt!
- Reject any further phases of LRT project
- Rework Orgaworld contract, return weekly curbside Garbage collection
- Stop “Mega” projects – city should concentrate on Core services and infrastructure repair – be “proactive” not reactive to the issue.
- City Planning and Projects – greatly improve safeguards on contracts, stop sole-sourcing
- City Management – make city managements and legal team more accountable, greatly reduce use of consultants
- Greatly Improve communication coming from City to citizens.
- City should become more involved in improving conditions of social housing.
- Create viable alternatives for waste management; ex. Incineration should be examined
- Insist Ottawa River Action Plan proceed to improve water quality for all areas
- Reduce length of council member terms [Term Limits]
Local Concerns:
- Insist our tax money comes back more equitably. (full accountability)
- Dump Carlsbad Springs Dump **(See Petition – Dump Carlsbad Springs Dump [2014])
- Provide constant, reliable increased funding for Road Infrastructure
- Improve Road Safety and improve infrastructure for vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists. (ex. Side-panels {paved shoulders} on all future road construction)
- Pursue enhancements in materials and road planning methods used for “optimum durability”
- Traffic control in dangerous areas ex. Safer crossings at school zones.
- Advocate for improved controls on rural water quality
- Stop spreading of biosolids {human feces} near residential properties on farm land.
- Maintain controls on Zoning and Development
- Revisit numerous questionable City bylaws to properly reflect the needs of the rural people. Ex. Backyard hens should be allowed on rural properties.
- Re – Open client service centers to react to all citizen concerns as quickly and efficiently as possible. (Volunteers encouraged – service hours for students)
- Arrange local meetings more frequently and at convenient times
- Enhance roles of Community Associations – modest honorarium allocated from office budget, much greater involvement in decisions
- Greatly reduce user fees for local facilities
- Re-build / create recreation facilities, example: Greely needs an indoor arena.
- Volunteer Firefighters – increase pay, enhance safety
- Improve policing and ambulance services.
- Arrange help for Rural citizens in need ex. Flooding, septic issues, wells.
- Provide links for Osgoode Ward to Public Transit ex. Proposing a small shuttle bus service to transportation nodes, bring O-Train to Leitrum Road park & ride **(bobmasaro.ca/public-transit-realism/)
- Increase funding for youth programs and services for all Osgoode Ward communities (Use O-YA as model for other communities)
- Develop more programs to assist seniors and support building of more quality seniors residences
- Support and promote the development of local business ex. Will ensure we have Trade Shows for our Ward
- Actively support the promotion of Agriculture and Conservation organizations in our community.