To The City of Ottawa Council through
The Honourable _____________________ (elected Oct. 27, 2014)
Mayor of Ottawa


WHEREAS One of the “core services” provided by the municipal government which is of concern to the citizens of Osgoode Ward is – GARBAGE / RECYCLING

WHEREAS We find that City of Ottawa staff and Council have approached this issue haphazardly, with lack of necessary due diligence and without properly consulting the citizens.

WHEREAS Council and city staff entered into the Orgaworld Contract “irresponsibly” and enacted the green bin program even though the contracted organic waste numbers were unachievable.

WHEREAS Taxpayers were promised overall costs of this service would decrease as a result of bi-weekly garbage collection, which in fact, we now find we were misled with almost $8 million dollars in “unnecessary payments” being already made.

WHEREAS We the citizens of Osgoode Ward as a result of information released from the Orgaworld Audit have lost faith in the green bin program and the Orgaworld Contract as currently constructed.


WE the undersigned petition the City of Ottawa Council as follows:
1 – Return Weekly curbside Garbage Collection immediately
2 – Re-Open the Orgaworld Contract and re-work it to reflect proper financial realities and “achievable            diversion” numbers for our organics
3 – Direct City staff to continue to explore viable alternative waste diversion methods.

Number of people who have signed the petition:[yawpp-num-signs-2]

* All personal information is kept private.

Vote for Bob Masaro Your Osgoode Ward 20 Candidate